Kotlin vs Java: Find Out What's Better for Your Business

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March 12, 2024

Android apps play a big part in our daily routines, touching on various aspects from connecting with others, managing finances, to enhancing our learning experiences and beyond. With an impressive user base of over 2.5 billion people in 190 countries, it's clear why Android is the leading operating system worldwide. The vast Android app market presents a substantial opportunity for your business to double its growth potentially. If you're thinking about making an Android app, picking the right programming language is very important. In the world of making Android apps, there's a big question: Kotlin vs Java, which one is better?

kotlin vs java which is better

Introduce About Java

Java is a versatile language used all over the world for different kinds of technology projects. It works on many platforms, is centered around creating objects, and is known for being fast and safe. You can find Java in everything from phone apps to large company systems to handling huge amounts of data. Statista reports that Java is a top choice for mobile app development, with one-third of developers picking it as their favorite language in 2022. 

For nearly 30 years, Java has been a key part of business software. It's famous for its ability to work anywhere after being written just once (WORA), its strong security, and its many resources and people who can help. This makes Java a trusted option for any business project. 

Features Of Java

Java has three main features:

- Object-oriented programming:  enables modular, flexible, and extendable code, ideal for real-world applications.

- Automatic memory management: prevents memory leaks and errors, ensuring stable performance. This structure simplifies development, focusing on logic rather than memory management. 

- Platform independence: allows Java programs to run on any device or operating system that has the JVM installed, making the code WORA.

Advantages Of Java

Introduced in 1995, Java has now been around for 29 years. Over time, it has developed a rich ecosystem of libraries, frameworks, and tools that speed up the development process. This maturity brings several benefits to using Java, with the most significant ones being:

1. Cross-platform Compatibility

As mentioned, Java's platform independence means its applications work on various devices and operating systems. This feature is vital for businesses aiming to reach a wide audience. By enabling code to run seamlessly across platforms, Java helps companies cater to diverse user bases. It eliminates the need for multiple versions of an app, simplifying development and maintenance.

2. Secure

Java's security model, with its sandbox environment, provides strong protection against threats. This makes it perfect for apps that handle sensitive business information. It ensures safety and reliability for critical applications.

3. Extensive Support

Java developers benefit from comprehensive documentation, active community forums, and strong corporate support. This combination offers unmatched assistance and resources. It ensures developers have the help they need at every step.

Disadvantage Of Java

While Java is a robust and widely used programming language, it does come with its set of drawbacks.

1. Complex Syntax

Java's way of writing code can be tricky, so developers need to really know how it works to use it well. It's harder for new people to learn quickly. Getting good at Java takes a lot of time and effort.

2. Verbosity

Java requires more lines of code to accomplish tasks compared to newer languages. This can slow down development and make code maintenance more cumbersome.

3. Performance

Java's performance, especially in terms of startup time and memory usage, can be less efficient than languages specifically designed for high performance. This can be a critical issue for resource-constrained environments or applications requiring high efficiency. 

4. Android API Issue

Java requires Android API for mobile app development. Java's Android API can be tricky and not always straightforward, which can confuse developers. This can make building Android apps more difficult and less efficient. Understanding and using the API properly often takes extra work.

Companies Using Java

Several top companies trust Java for its stability, ability to handle large amounts of data, and security.

LinkedIn uses Java for managing its huge network and data. 

Netflix relies on Java for its streaming services, making sure shows and movies stream smoothly for millions of users. 

Google uses Java a lot, especially for creating Android apps, making it crucial for many mobile apps. 

Amazon uses Java for its shopping site and cloud services, helping run its massive online store. 

These examples show how important Java is for big companies to run their services and build powerful applications.

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Let's talk

Introduce About Kotlin

Kotlin is a newer programming language created by JetBrains, designed to work well with Java and improve upon it. 

Kotlin is especially popular for making Android apps because it deals with Java's issues like complex code and errors related to "null" values. This makes Kotlin for Android development a smart choice. Its code is easier to understand and write, which can help reduce mistakes. Plus, Kotlin includes modern features that make app development quicker and more fun. Its safety features also mean fewer app crashes. 

Read more: Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile: A Quick Start Guide

Features Of Kotlin

Kotlin's innovative features and remarkable versatility have made it a favorite among developers worldwide. Its appeal includes:

- Concise Syntax: Kotlin reduces the amount of code needed to express concepts, making your code more readable and easier to maintain.

- Null Safety: It practically eliminates null pointer exceptions, one of the most common sources of runtime errors, enhancing app reliability.

- Java Interoperability: Kotlin works seamlessly with Java, allowing access to all Java libraries and tools, making it easy to integrate into existing projects.

- Coroutines Support: This feature simplifies asynchronous programming, enabling smoother and more responsive applications by managing long-running tasks efficiently.

- Extension Functions: Kotlin allows developers to add new functions to existing classes without modifying their source code, offering more flexibility in coding.

Advantages Of Kotlin

Kotlin is quickly becoming a top choice for custom software development, with many businesses planning to shift their apps to Kotlin. It offers a blend of productivity, safety, and advanced features that cater to today's development needs.

1. Enhanced Productivity

Kotlin's concise syntax allows developers to write less yet more expressive code, leading to fewer errors. This significantly enhances productivity. Its streamlined approach simplifies coding tasks and boosts efficiency.

2. Interoperability with Java

As mentioned above, Kotlin is fully interoperable with Java, meaning developers can seamlessly use Java's libraries, frameworks, and tools in Kotlin projects. This interoperability eliminates any hassle in integrating Java resources into Kotlin, facilitating a smoother development process.

3. Strong Community Support

Google's endorsement of Kotlin for Android development has led to increased community support, offering developers a rich array of resources, tools, and libraries. This backing makes Kotlin an even more attractive option for building modern apps. The community's growth ensures continuous improvement and innovation in the Kotlin ecosystem.

4. Improved App Safety

Kotlin's null safety feature significantly lowers the risk of null pointer exceptions, enhancing app stability. This results in more reliable applications. It's a key advantage for developers seeking to improve app quality.

5. Modern Language Features

Kotlin includes modern programming concepts like coroutines for asynchronous programming, which simplifies handling operations that can block the main thread, leading to smoother and more responsive apps.

Disadvantage Of Kotlin

1. Steep Learning Curve

For developers accustomed to Java or other traditional languages, Kotlin's concise syntax and functional programming concepts can initially be challenging to grasp. This steep learning curve might slow down the development process for teams new to Kotlin.

2. Compilation Speed

Although Kotlin boasts many runtime efficiencies, its compilation speed can sometimes lag behind Java, especially in larger projects. This can lead to longer build times, potentially slowing down the development workflow.

3. Smaller Community and Resources

Despite its growing popularity, Kotlin's community is still smaller than Java's. This means fewer resources, tutorials, and forums are available for troubleshooting and learning, which could be a drawback for developers seeking community support.

4. Limited Adoption in Enterprise 

While Kotlin is gaining traction, many enterprises are slow to adopt new technologies. This means that Java's extensive ecosystem and proven track record still dominate in many business environments, potentially limiting opportunities for Kotlin developers in the enterprise sector.

Companies Using Kotlin

Across the board, from established tech giants to cutting-edge startups, Kotlin is gaining momentum as the go-to programming language for mobile app development.

Google officially supports Kotlin for Android development, harnessing its concise syntax and safety features to enhance app reliability and development speed. 

Pinterest migrated to Kotlin to streamline their app development, resulting in fewer crashes and bugs. 

Uber uses Kotlin for some of its critical systems, appreciating the language's ability to produce more maintainable and safer code. 

Trello, a popular project management tool, has also integrated Kotlin to improve their Android app's performance and maintainability. 

These companies represent just a slice of Kotlin's growing influence in the tech industry, showcasing its appeal to businesses seeking to optimize their mobile app development.

Kotlin vs Java: What Is The Key Difference?

The debate between Kotlin vs Java has been a significant talking point within the developer community, especially among those involved in Android app development.

Java has long been regarded as the reigning champion among programming languages, but Kotlin is swiftly rising in popularity. Although it hasn't quite surpassed Java yet, developers are increasingly appreciating Kotlin's effectiveness and efficiency in Android app development.

Will Kotlin replace Java? Let's explore the differences between them to uncover the answers!


When discussing Kotlin vs Java, it's essential to consider their syntax and ease of use. 

Kotlin offers a more concise and expressive syntax than Java, reducing the amount of boilerplate code developers need to write. This conciseness not only speeds up the development process but also makes the code more readable and maintainable. 

In contrast, Java's syntax can be verbose, leading to more code for accomplishing the same tasks, which can potentially increase the risk of errors and bugs.

Compatibility & Interoperability 

Another critical aspect in the Kotlin vs Java comparison is their compatibility and interoperability with existing code. 

Kotlin is fully interoperable with Java, allowing developers to use both languages within the same project seamlessly. This feature is particularly beneficial for gradually migrating large Java codebases to Kotlin or integrating Kotlin into existing Java applications without having to rewrite the entire application. 

Java, while not offering the same level of syntactical sugar or modern features as Kotlin, boasts an extensive library ecosystem that has been developed over decades.


Kotlin vs Java performance is another area of interest. While both languages run on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and offer similar performance metrics, Kotlin's support for inline functions and more expressive code can lead to slight optimizations in certain scenarios. However, for most applications, the performance differences between Kotlin and Java are negligible.

Checked Exceptions

Java employs checked exceptions, which forces developers to catch or declare exceptions. While this can improve program reliability by handling error conditions, it also increases verbosity and can lead to empty catch blocks.

Kotlin, however, does not have checked exceptions, aiming to reduce unnecessary boilerplate code and streamline error handling.

Null Safety

Kotlin introduces null safety features designed to eliminate the dreaded null pointer exceptions, which are common in Java applications. Kotlin's type system distinguishes between nullable and non-nullable references, making null safety a compile-time feature. 

This contrast in Kotlin vs Java significantly reduces the possibility of runtime errors related to null values, enhancing application stability.

Extension Functions

Kotlin allows developers to extend a class with new functionality without having to inherit from the class, through extension functions. 

This feature is not native to Java, which means Kotlin offers more flexibility in adding new functionality to existing classes, improving code manageability and readability.

Data Classes

Kotlin introduces data classes, which significantly reduce boilerplate code when creating classes that primarily hold data. 

In Java, developers need to manually implement getters, setters, equals(), hashCode(), and toString() methods, which are automatically generated in Kotlin for data classes. This distinction in Kotlin vs Java streamlines data handling and class implementation.

Kotlin vs Java: What Is The Best For Your Business

Deciding between Kotlin and Java hinges on various elements such as the project's needs, the team's skill set, and considerations for future upkeep. 

For those embarking on new ventures that prioritize swift development and cutting-edge capabilities, Kotlin emerges as the preferred option. It offers concise syntax and modern programming perks that can accelerate the development process.

On the flip side, Java holds its ground as the go-to choice for projects that lean on a vast array of libraries and frameworks, as well as those that value a long-standing reputation for reliability and stability. 

So here is the bottom line: Each language has its unique strengths. Therefore, making the choice between Kotlin vs. Java is not about which is better universally, but which is more suited to the specific demands of your project and team.


In sum, Kotlin vs Java, the key is to align the choice with your business goals and project requirements. Remember, the best technology is the one that serves your needs most effectively.

At BHSoft, we keep up with the latest tech trends and have a team of skilled experts ready to help with your app development needs. We can build mobile apps using Kotlin or help you switch from Java to Kotlin. We also offer app development services using React Native, Flutter, iOS Swift, and dedicated development team to bring your app to life. 

Contact us today to find out how we can make your mobile app projects amazing!