BHSoft delivers the AASG-UI, a web-based solution exclusively for AASG systems, offering seamless command input and centralized control.

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Home > AASG-UI by BHSoft

AASG-UI: The Exclusive Web Interface for the AASG Computer Platform

Developed and owned by BHSoft, AASG-UI is a specialized web-based solution created exclusively to run on the AASG computer platform. Authorized and entrusted  by AASG , BHSoft has designed this intuitive interface to streamline system management on the AASG platform, enabling users to efficiently manage virtual machines, system logs, and files through a user-friendly, centralized dashboard.

With the AASG-UI, users on the AASG computer system no longer need to rely on complex Linux commands. The intuitive web interface simplifies command input and system management, allowing users to focus on tasks without worrying about the intricacies of terminal-based commands. As the sole developer and owner of the AASG-UI, BHSoft ensures the highest functionality, security, and continuous innovation standards.

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The AASG-UI was specifically designed to work on AASG computers, providing a seamless and secure web interface to replace traditional terminal commands. BHSoft’s deep understanding of the AASG platform has enabled us to develop a system tailored to its unique requirements.

Simplified Command Input & Validation

Eliminate the need to memorize complex Linux commands. The AASG-UI automatically translates user-friendly actions into terminal commands, helping reduce errors and preventing downtime.

Centralized Management for AASG Systems​

Manage virtual machines (VMs), logs, and files from a single, comprehensive interface designed specifically for the AASG platform.

Enhanced Security

With integrated permission management, the AASG-UI ensures that only authorized users can execute commands or access critical data, reducing the risk of unauthorized access.

Exclusive to AASG Platform​

 The AASG-UI is engineered only for AASG computers, offering a fully optimized and reliable experience that’s tailored to this specific environment.


BHSoft was entrusted by AASG to develop the AASG-UI, and we take full ownership of the application. This means we are committed to its ongoing improvement, offering you a solution backed by years of expertise and innovation in system management for the AASG platform. Our role as both the developer and owner guarantees continuous updates, security enhancements, and superior support for all AASG-UI users.

Entrusted by AASG

 AASG specifically chose BHSoft to create this advanced web interface for their platform, reflecting our expertise and commitment to excellence.

Full ownership

As the sole owner of the AASG-UI application, BHSoft ensures total control over the software’s development, security, and future enhancements.

Commitment to quality
BHSoft’s reputation for delivering high-quality software solutions ensures that the AASG-UI is a reliable, secure, and cost-effective choice for AASG system management.

How to Get AASG-UI for Your Organization

 The AASG-UI is available free of charge to universities and research institutes. We’re committed to supporting academic and technological growth by providing access to this cutting-edge system management solution.
Follow these steps to obtain a license:

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