How to Hire React Native Developers: A Comprehensive Guide For The Founder

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August 10, 2023

An increasing number of companies are adopting React Native due to its cross-platform nature, effectively spanning Android and iOS platforms. This makes it a more budget-friendly alternative compared to native apps. The addition of skilled and innovative React Native developers to your team can provide numerous benefits. But the question is, how do you find such talent? Our article provides thorough and helpful advice on how to hire React Native developers successfully.

React Native: An Overview

React Native stands as a JavaScript framework that empowers the seamless development of cross-platform mobile applications. It allows developers to construct mobile apps with native-level rendering for both iOS and Android. This eliminates the need for dedicated teams to create separate app versions tailored to each platform's requirements. Using React Native, you can build iOS and Android apps faster and save 30%–35% on costs compared to the usual ways of making apps.

According to the Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2022, React Native is one of the most popular frameworks among developers. It combines user-friendliness with the ability to craft distinctive, responsive, and user-friendly interfaces. Notably, it makes native component integration easier, resulting in interfaces that have a genuine native appearance and functionality.

React Native's effectiveness is undeniable, with notable corporations such as Instagram, Airbnb, UberEats, Bloomberg, and Discord, among others, adopting this framework. In 2018, React Native ranked second among all open-source projects on GitHub in terms of contributor count.

Read more: Top Essential Tools For React Native Development

Why Hire React Native Developers?

Considering the option to hire React Native developers can offer cost-effective solutions to cross-platform mobile app development for businesses. Here are some of the primary benefits that come with employing React Native for mobile app development:

Cross-Platform Development

React Native allows developers to write code once and deploy it on both iOS and Android platforms. Companies can save significant time and money by hiring React Native developers who are skilled at creating apps that work seamlessly across multiple platforms.

Accelerated Development Time

React Native speeds up development by allowing for code reuse across platforms. It includes a variety of third-party plugins, including JavaScript-based and native modules, which are easily accessible via the React Native Directory or NPM Registry.

Furthermore, React Native presents live reload functionality that enables developers to monitor code changes instantly. This feature significantly reduces compilation time, which is a standard stumbling block in native programming languages like Java. As a result, developers can significantly reduce development time.

Optimal Performance and Scalability

As a robust and popular JavaScript framework, React Native empowers developers to construct efficient and scalable mobile applications. Its utilization of native components and optimized rendering contribute to smoother animations and quicker loading times. The framework's modular and reusable components facilitate more manageable maintenance and updates, enhancing scalability.

Cost Efficiency

React Native is an open-source framework that comes with a low barrier to entry for developers. This translates to the possibility of hiring React Native developers at a lower cost compared to those experienced on other platforms.

Moreover, the reusability of React Native code eliminates the necessity of employing separate teams for iOS and Android app development. As a result, development costs are significantly reduced.

Hire React Native Developers: Three Hiring Options 

When considering how to hire React Native developers, you typically have three main options: working with freelancers, hiring in-house employees, or collaborating with an outsourcing software development company. Let's delve into each option in detail:

Freelance React Native Developers

If you require React Native app developers for specific projects rather than permanent roles, freelancers offer flexibility. This is particularly suitable for one-time tasks or small assignments.

Pros of Hiring Freelance React Native Developers

- Diverse budget options available.

-  Freelance platform reviews aid in candidate selection.

- Cost savings as no office space or equipment needed.

- Broad experience from working with various clients.

- Easy termination of cooperation without formal contracts.

Cons of Hiring Freelance React Native Developers

- Freelancers usually seek short-term projects.

- Inconsistent availability due to multiple projects.

- Risk of losing a freelancer to more appealing projects.

In-House React Native Developers

If you have the resources, hiring React Native developers to focus solely on your project can be beneficial.

Pros of Hiring In-House React Native Developers

- Full control over the hiring process.

- Devotion to your project exclusively.

- Enhanced teamwork through direct communication.

Cons of Hiring In-House React Native Developers

- Time-consuming candidate search, especially locally.

- Hiring mistakes are costly and time-consuming.

- In-house workers require benefits and paid leave.

- Employment contracts, litigation, and termination.

Outsourcing Development

If you want to work with talented developers without the hassle of hiring, collaborating with a top software outsourcing company is ideal.

Pros of Outsourcing React Native Development

- Swift hiring through vetted candidates.

- Access to entire development teams and project managers.

- Diverse experience in efficient and creative solutions.

- Payment solely for completed work.

- Companies focus on reputation and problem-solving.

Cons of Outsourcing React Native Development

- Reputable companies may charge higher rates.

- Time zone and cultural differences with remote developers.

Additionally, outsourcing offers the benefit of choosing from various global destinations with different costs. The most popular locations for outsourcing are:

- North America: Highest rates, around $150 to $250 per hour.

- Europe: Rates vary across regions, with Eastern Europe generally offering a lower rate.

- Southeast Asia: Most cost-effective options, approximately $15 to $45 per hour. Outsourcing work to Southeast Asia can save money on labor and provide access to a large pool of skilled IT professionals, often offering excellent service to Western companies. Moreover, choosing to outsource software development to Vietnam will receive great support from the government. The Vietnamese government is working strategically to make the country a top outsourcing destination through economic policies and market changes.

How To Hire React Native Developers: Step-By-Step Guide

Hire React Native developers entails various stages, each demanding significant time and effort. To streamline this procedure and alleviate stress, we recommend adhering to these five coherent steps:

Define The Specifications

Getting the right candidate requires proper preparation. Your first goal should be to clearly define the project requirements.

Be as specific as possible. Detailed documentation grabs the interest of skilled developers and encourages them to show interest in the position.

Essential components for completing the project specifications include

- Define user flows.

- Design and create visual graphic layouts. 

- Outline technical specifications.

- Streamlining User Flows

User flows play a pivotal role in conveying the core concept of the app. This aids potential developers in assessing the project's scope and identifying the key challenges that lie ahead.

Upon completing this phase, you will not only gain the confidence to elucidate your product's intricacies to potential contractors but also assess its readiness for the market.

Outline The Job Prerequisites

When evaluating React developers for hire, it is essential to have a list of technical requirements along with preferences regarding the skills of the candidate. 

You can follow this job overview template to hire React Native developers:

Job Requirements Template:

1. Project Overview

- Introduce the company and the core project concept.

- Provide a concise overview of user roles.

2. Main Technical Requirements

- Specify your project's technological stack.

- Outline UI design preferences, including graphic rendering and specific features.

- Mention third-party integrations like mapping services, mail and SMS, and payment gateways.

- Indicate preferred location and language.

3. Expectations

- Define project duration.

- Clarify work engagement (full-time or part-time).

- Mention time zone preferences.

- Outline working environment and management approaches.

- Specify budget expectations.

4. Skills Requirements

- Detail development experience.

- Identify specific technical skills.

- Mention GitHub projects and portfolio work.

- Highlight educational background.

5. References to Materials

- Summarize the user flow overview.

- Describe graphic UI design.

- Present back-end specifications.

Compile A Select List Of Applicants

Next, it's time to pre-qualify applicants using the following criteria:

- Did the applicant highlight relevant industry experience?

- Did the applicant showcase skills aligned with your requirements?

- Can the applicant commit to full-time work on your project?

- Did the candidate outline their responsibilities on prior projects?

- Did the applicant share their GitHub profile link?

- Do they possess endorsements from previous clients or employers?

Organize Job Interviews

Once you've shortlisted your candidates and extended interview invitations, your next step involves preparing for the interview meetings. During this phase, your primary focus will be formulating a set of questions to assess the proficiency of the React Native developers.

You can evaluate the interviewees' skills across three key categories:

- General: Assessing communication and collaboration skills.

- Project-specific: Evaluating their understanding of the product requirements.

- Technical: Gauging their proficiency in React Native programming.

1. General Interview

Effective collaboration and communication directly impact project strategy and business outcomes. Ensuring candidates align with your objectives is key. Focus on clarifying their adherence to best practices and proactive risk communication.

Here are some ideas for questions:

- Describe a significant past React Native project.

- Share challenges faced during development.

- Lessons learned from the project?

- Approach for handling novel, complex tasks?

- How do you manage deadlines? Share advice.

- Coping with workplace stress?

- Tackling work with incomplete materials?

- Preference for solo or teamwork?

- Experience with the time and material approach?

- Availability to join the project soon?

2. Project-specific

The next step involves assessing whether the applicant comprehends the project's scope. With your thorough preparation, feel confident in delving into the details with the technical specialist.

Here are some questions to consider:

- How do you envision enhancing the product's features?

- What aspect of the project poses the most challenge, and how would you tackle it?

- Are there additional services or third-party solutions required for successful implementation?

- Which React Native libraries do you recommend for this app? Any prior experience with them?

- What priorities would you establish during development?

- Any inquiries about the graphic designs? Are they sufficient to commence?

- Thoughts on design and animation complexity?

- Approach for optimizing UI rendering speed?

- Specific specifications or screens needed for timeframe estimation?

- Estimated duration for completing front-end work?

3. Technical: React Native Programming Skills

The next segment of the interview focuses on technical expertise in React Native programming. To conduct this part effectively, consider inviting a CTO or development consultant to assist. If that's not feasible, our guidelines will provide assistance. 

The following questions are tailored to hire React Native developers at the mid-level:

- Highlight the key advantages of React Native.

- Discuss the benefits of native apps compared to cross-platform apps.

- Explain JSX in React Native.

- Define component-driven development.

- Describe React Native components.

- Clarify the native aspects of components.

- Discuss the role of JavaScript in React Native.

- Explain React Native threads.

- Define the React Native Bridge.

Assess And Qualify The Applicants

After conducting the interview, you need to assess and qualify the applicants to choose the most suitable. Follow these steps to hire React Native developers more effectively:

Technical Skills and Alignment

Assess candidates' technical expertise in React Native and how well it aligns with the job's requirements. Evaluate their coding skills, understanding of relevant libraries, and overall technical proficiency.

Project Understanding

Evaluate candidates' comprehension of the project's scope and potential challenges. A strong grasp of the project's intricacies indicates their ability to contribute effectively to its development.

Soft Skills and Cultural Fit

Consider candidates' soft skills, teamwork, collaboration, and adaptability. Assess whether they align with your company culture and can work cohesively with the existing team.

Coding Challenges and Problem-Solving

Review candidates' solutions to coding challenges provided during the interview. Assess the quality of their code, adherence to best practices, and problem-solving abilities.

References and Portfolio Review

Contact references provided by candidates to verify their skills, work ethic, and reliability. Additionally, review their portfolios to gauge the variety and complexity of their past projects.

Hire React Native Developers With BHSoft

In sum, hiring the right React Native developers is really important for making great mobile apps that match your business needs. By following the advice above, you can improve how you hire React Native developers.

But finding and hiring the best React Native developers can be tough and take a lot of time.

That’s where BHSoft can help.

At BHSoft, we have a bunch of dedicated React Native developers who are ready to work with you and help you do what you want with your business. We pick our developers carefully, so you can be sure you're hiring the best ones who really care about their work and want to do an awesome job.

Don’t miss out on the chance to work with some of the best developers around. Join BHSoft today and hire the top React Native developers you need for your mobile app projects.