Software Development Trends: Embracing Innovation

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June 28, 2023

Software development trends have been evolving over the years, and this year a few key movements stand out. Startup founders need to be well-informed of where software industry trends are heading and strategize accordingly when building an app. 

By this way, businesses can see how far the software industry trends have reached – and what may be on the radar for the upcoming months to stay ahead of the curve. Now, let’s take a look at each software development trend. Here we go!

Software development trends

New Opportunities in Software Development for 2023

2023 is proving to be a tough year for organizations across the globe. Galloping interest and inflation rates and the adoption of cost-prevention management policies have made the headlines in the first weeks of the year.

With a new year and an uncertain economic climate, businesses are looking for modern technology use that can help them both increase savings as well as the ability to adapt and innovate at speed and scale. But with technology evolving more rapidly than ever, what software development trends should you bet on in 2023 to help you cope with all this uncertainty? So we have compiled the top software development trends in 2023. We hope it’ll help your company leverage all the benefits of the latest technology to take your business to the next level. 

Top 2023 trends in software development

Blockchain: Augmenting enterprise solutions with transparency, efficiency, and security

Blockchain is now one of the key software development trends. Experts note a staggering growth of blockchain adoption in many fields. Businesses and governments are keenly exploring blockchain, therefore, its global market is growing rapidly. A Cision PR Newswire report estimates that the market for blockchain technology will reach $57.641 billion in 2025, accompanied by an impressive 69.4% CAGR between 2019 and 2025. A growing number of blockchain-based applications will increasingly emerge in various fields. Here are some examples:

  • Supply chain monitoring systems in logistics, automotive, agriculture, oil and gas industry.

  • Accounting software systems ensure the traceability of energy consumption

  • Platforms for intellectual property protection.

  • Software systems for secure electronic voting.

One area in which the security of blockchain technology is particularly appealing is software development for the healthcare industry. For example, blockchain-based systems can bring together pharmaceutical companies, hospitals, insurers, medical device OEMs, and others. They can log contract details, track transactions, and provide payment details. Blockchain systems have the potential to track patients, avoid duplicate processes, and speed up the exchange of data.

Python: The significant rise 

As machine learning and data science continue to rise in popularity across industries, demand for experienced Python app developers is also set to increase significantly over time. 

With over 700 programming languages available, businesses often need help choosing the right one for their app or web development project.

Python can rightfully be considered the ultimate toolbox of programming languages. It stands out as a dynamic language capable of performing numerous tasks – making it an ideal choice when tackling complex jobs.

From website design to mobile app development and even machine learning models – its incredible versatility allows developers and businesses to tackle any task with impressive efficiency. No wonder why tech and software development companies swear by its capabilities for their coding needs.

The Internet of Things (IoT): The continued expansion

As technology trends go, the Internet of Things (IoT) is one that could have far-reaching impacts on our world, and not just on businesses. 

Statistics show that there will be 65 billion IoT devices in 2025. The Internet of Things (IoT) is set to continue expanding in 2023 and beyond. IoT has various use cases, and the following are just a few examples:

  • Smart meters: Monitoring energy consumption in real-time is important for managing energy distribution and making relevant pricing adjustments. Smart meters equipped with IoT enable this for energy companies.

  • Asset tracking: IoT enables effective asset tracking, therefore, enterprises can implement effective asset efficiency practices. This helps in managing many aspects of a business, e.g., inventory, supply chain, logistics, etc.

  • Connected vehicles: Connected vehicles can offer several advantages, e.g., self-driving cars can reduce the number of accidents. IoT is a key technology component in connected vehicles.

In whichNode.jsand Angular are trending technologies that many businesses decide to put into operation. They are very popular in real-time applications or when we are looking for a fast and flexible solution. Hence, the software development trends of 2023 cannot do without IoT. The Internet of Things continues to evolve, expanding opportunities for software developers and business verticals.  

IoT technologíe

Cloud Computing: Facilitates Collaboration

In 2022, Cloud was embraced not only by startups and businesses but even by governmental organizations and institutions. Hospitals, security offices, legal authorities, and also the Pentagon recognize the value of the technology. It’s possible that by the end of 2024, we are going to see a significant transition of businesses and institutes to Cloud, not just in the United States, but all over the world. The apparent trend is that software development companies will more actively use cloud-native solutions for app development, team management, and communication. 

The reason why Cloud is one of the most prominent software industry trends is that transitioning to this computing form has never been easier. At this point, all global firms are investing in the technology (with the frontrunners like Google, Amazon, Microsoft), and they enable Cloud computing to businesses and individuals. You can even get free credits for the first month to see if the Cloud infrastructure fits your needs well. 

Low-Code/No-Code (LCNC): Speeds Up Software Development 

Software engineering is moving toward simplification, with a new approach to creating software solutions known as low-code/no-code (LCNC) development.

LCNC platforms enable practically anyone to develop software without traditional coding via graphical user interfaces and configuration. Such programming environments have great potential because they allow people to implement their ideas into digital solutions with limited or no software development skills.

72% of low-code developers create software apps two times quicker than those using traditional development. While many developers are skeptical about the low-code development approach, it brings a range of benefits such as manual work reduction, time and money savings for creating software solutions, and a lower barrier for entry into software development.

5G Technology: Opens Up More Opportunities

5G connectivity implementation is among the top software development trends for 2023. The major reason for this is that the technology helps companies realize the full potential of IoT ecosystems. The more reliable the connectivity is, the better the performance demonstrated by connected devices.

Initially launched in 2018, the superior fifth-generation standard of mobile connectivity, 5G, is currently going mainstream, promising the following benefits for IoT solutions:w

  • Low latency

  • High speed

  • Ubiquitous coverage

  • Energy efficiency

5G networks allow enterprises to increase the number of connected devices in their business processes and leverage value. For instance, IoT and 5G contribute to digital transformation in municipalities, healthcare, logistics, manufacturing, and other areas. Particularly, 5G can contribute to the wider adoption of remote surgery or remote maintenance of industrial machinery in hazardous conditions. Thus, many companies will be able to offer ne services, especially those based on the real-time processing of data from numerous sensors.

Augmented Reality: Transforms the eCommerce Industry 

The role of augmented reality (AR) in online commerce is growing rapidly

With AR, eCommerce mobile apps can provide more detailed information on products, transferring them from the digital space to the real world. For example, shoppers can see how the clothes will fit their body type or configure furniture according to their room parameters. This allows customers to make their purchasing decisions with greater confidence. 

Beside, AR can really make life easier – for example, imagine you want to redesign your home. You can use Augmented Reality to check how pieces of furniture would look in your apartment, without all the hustle related to moving things around. Cool, right? 

AR is also useful for marketing purposes – with AR, businesses can provide many more details about their products or services. That’s how you can boost customer experience from the very start.


DevOps has become a major focus and has shaped the world of software over the past few years. Experts say that DevOps will be mainstream and its popularity will peak for years to come.

DevOps combines development and operations to increase the efficiency, speed, and security of software development and delivery compared to traditional processes. Adopting DevOps breaks down barriers so that development and operations teams are no longer siloed and have a more efficient way to work across the entire development and application lifecycle.

The future of DevOps is bright and full of possibilities. As businesses continue to recognize the value of DevOps and invest more resources into it, the industry will only grow and become more accessible to new players.

Putting Software Development Trends into Practice

Software development is a dynamic industry influenced by technologies, consumer behaviors, and other underlying factors. With a better understanding of the latest software trends, startups are better prepared to turn their ideas into apps and stay ahead of the curve. To timely adopt 2023's technology trends, you need to have a powerful team that can offer skills beyond your in-house technology stacks.  

At BHSoft, we offer internationally recognized software development and testing services. Our team always keeps in touch with the latest shifts in software development trends. We are ready to assess your business needs; the current progress of your digital transformation; determine the key challenges; and solve them with disruptive solutions. If you have an idea for a current or new project in mind, contact our team. Explore your ideas with us and reduce the time to market with our team of software experts!