GIS Development Services: 5 Essential Application Components To Lower Operating Cost

Geographic information systems (GIS) are significantly affecting our daily lives. Businesses use and rely on these GIS technologies in a wide range of industries, including construction and urban planning; logistics and fleet management; agriculture; defense; public health; military; etc. As a result, GIS application development services have been flourishing in recent years. 

In this article, BHSoft will provide an overview of GIS applications and five cost-saving components each GIS application should have. Follow these tips, and your GIS application will stand out from the crowd.

GIS application definition

GIS, or Geographical Information System, is software that helps experts collect, handle, analyze, and graphically represent massive amounts of geospatial data. This information influences global operational and strategic decisions. Depending on the tasks, it combines geographic information (location on earth) with attribute data (information about location features) and presents it on a map from various angles.

Each GIS application development services goes through the following four primary phases:

– Generating or capturing spatial data

– Managing data

– Analyzing data

– Visualizing data on the map

GIS application development services workflow

Uses of GIS application

Government, NGOs, public entities, businesses, and other sectors are just a few that use GIS application development services. Innovative GIS technologies are helpful to virtually any industry. Here are a few of the most typical uses:

– Mapping locations, their attributes, and their connections

– Identify problems

– Perform forecasting

– Quantity and density mapping

– Manage and respond to events

– Set priorities

Top 5 essential GIS application development services

GIS tool platforms have a variety of features. These enable companies from various industries to base their business operations on spatial modeling. GIS applications need to have a few crucial features to affect business decision-making and risk management:

Remote sensing

Numerous sensors that engineering structures, drones, aircraft, and satellites can carry aid in mapping. By identifying the reflected energy, they gather information from the surface-level objects. Remote sensing is accurate since it uses active microwave sensors like radar, lidar, scatterometers, sounders, and other devices.

In GIS, remote sensing is used to map topography; create a three-dimensional image of the earth’s surface; track changes in land use over time (like how quickly cities are growing); identify impervious surfaces (like densely populated city blocks), etc. This aids in evaluating potential construction sites, environmental risks, development trends, and many other factors. 

Real-time GIS

By facilitating quick decision-making and risk management, immediate geographic insights lower operational costs. You can share real-time data from numerous sensors and IoT devices and respond quickly to shifting conditions. With the help of filters and location-based analytics, you can now fine-tune real-time data to highlight the events that are most important to you automatically. This is possible thanks to GIS software.

Processing and analyzing geographical data in real time is vital. It is crucial for many fields in our modern life.


By including a third dimension, 3D GIS goes beyond coordinates to depict objects in greater detail. In this manner, you can determine a building’s height in addition to its location. 3D is used to represent

– Urban areas and their density of people

– Land suitable for building

– Mineral concentration

– The aircraft’s location

3D visualization facilitates the production of more thorough and perceptive maps for a variety of applications. The automatic generation of geometrically accurate and topologically consistent 3D models can be accomplished by extrapolating road maps from the GIS database. After that, they can be applied to real-time traffic simulation, interactive virtual world visualization, or autonomous vehicle navigation.

Mapping and visualization

Modern GIS systems build maps in layers, each showing a different dataset and including attribute data. GIS mapping, in turn, supports geo-visualization, creating and modifying images, charts, maps, diagrams, 3D views, and the associated tabular datasets. This supports a lot with the asset management activities of physical buildings. 

GIS application development services in Vietnam

GIS spatial analysis

When we examine a map, we begin to analyze what we see, looking for patterns, evaluating trends, and gathering data to help us make decisions. However, everything will move more quickly thanks to the power of GIS. The system enables you to identify relationships, find and count patterns, and make predictions using big data and IoT devices. From customer purchasing habits to supply chain management; market planning; competitor monitoring; and operational optimization, spatial analytics provides a crucial context. Any company may use GIS to gain a significant competitive edge.

The takeaways

GIS is a dynamic field of technology that seamlessly combines with a wide range of other fields you might find interesting, including video, web design, and mobile applications. GIS’s digital experiences will be expected as it becomes more commonplace in our daily lives. Our perception of place is being altered by GIS and other applications.

BHSoft is a leading outsourcing software development company in Vietnam, specializing in GIS & BIM application development services. Since we have been providing GIS technologies for almost ten years, we have a lot of experience deploying 3D application services in production and business.  

BHSoft offers full GIS & BIM services:

– GIS & BIM integration service

– 3D & 4D web application using WebGL, Three.js

– 3D & 4D product configurators

– Facilities management

– 3D floor plan

– 3D interactive presentation

Additionally, as a Cesium Certified Developer, we’ll keep assisting our clients and partners in achieving outstanding business objectives. As long as you have an idea, don’t hesitate to share it with us. Our Cesium Certified Developers will create custom top-notch software for you.

Contact us today to learn how GIS can benefit your business.