The Importance Of Cross-Platform Software Development

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July 21, 2023

Cross-platform software development is gaining more attention in the software industry and is gradually becoming an essential part of our lives. Successfully developed applications can help increase revenue and save companies’ resources. This article aims to provide more insights into cross-platform software development and its benefits to businesses.

Cross-platform software development definition

According to Techterm, cross-platform software is software that can run on multiple platforms.

There are two types of cross-platform software. Some applications require a separate build for different platforms, while others can run directly on any platform without the need for further setup. The second type is usually written in an interpreted language. 

This term might be complex for first-time listeners, but we can easily find its application in reality. For example, in Web Browser, we have Google Chrome, Firefox; in Video player platforms, there are VLC, MPV, and SMPlayer; in Image Process, Gimp, and ImageJ are two cross-platform software applications. Another example is Microsoft Office. Since this software can be installed and used on different platforms, such as Android, iOS, Windows, and macOS, it can be considered successful cross-platform software.

Similar to the definition above, cross-platform software development refers to the process of creating software applications compatible with different operating systems using a single codebase. It enables developers to create products that can be used by a larger audience, without having to write separate code bases for each platform.

The programming languages used for this type of software development vary depending on the specific demands of the business. Some popular languages to be mentioned include JavaScript, TypeScript, C#, Kotlin, etc.

Popular Frameworks for Cross-Platform Software Development

Several frameworks facilitate cross-platform software development, such as:

React Native

React Native, originally created by Facebook but later adopted for use in creating cross-platform mobile services, is one of the most well-known cross-platform technologies. It utilizes JavaScript as its sole programming language and is renowned for its rapid development cycles, enabling developers to create natively rendered mobile apps efficiently. An outstanding feature of this framework is the "Fast Refresh," which allows developers to see real-time changes in the app as they make alterations to the code.


Flutter, an open-source software development kit (SDK) created by Google, empowers developers to build mobile apps for both Android and iOS platforms from a single codebase. The standout feature of this approach is its use of Dart, a programming language uniquely tailored for Flutter. With Dart's object-oriented nature, Flutter becomes an ideal and efficient solution for mobile app development.


Node.js is a widely popular platform for server-side web development, offering developers the convenience of using the same tools and techniques for both the server and client sides of their software. Notably, according to Statista, Node.js ranks as the top choice among web frameworks for software developers up to the date of this article. It excels at managing multiple connections simultaneously and boasts a vast library of JavaScript modules, streamlining the development of web applications.

Benefits of cross-platform software development

Reduce development time and cost 

Firstly, cross-platform software development allows developers to write a single codebase and deploy it across multiple platforms, which is cost-effective and time-saving compared to writing separate codebases for each platform. This way of developing software can also help streamline the development process by empowering developers to focus on building the core features of the application rather than worrying about platform-specific details. That means developers can reuse code for different platforms, saving time and reducing development costs.  

Increase market reach

Secondly, developers can run cross-platform applications on multiple platforms, (including desktop, mobile, and web), which increases the reach and accessibility of the application to a wider audience. Reducing the time and cost of development enables businesses to bring products to market more quickly. Additionally, developing a single codebase for multiple platforms reduces the time needed to introduce new features and updates to the market.

Faster updates and maintenance

The third benefit of cross-platform software development is that it enables developers to update and maintain the application on various platforms simultaneously. This can minimize the time and effort needed for maintenance and updates. It can also foster development cycles by allowing developers to build and test the application on a number of platforms at the same time. This feature helps identify bugs and fix issues more quickly.

Consistent user experience

Moreover, developers can create a steady user interface that looks and behaves the same across different platforms, which maintains a consistent brand identity and provides a seamless user experience for their customers. Since all the business platforms have uniform designs, users can expect the same features and capabilities regardless of the platforms, building brand loyalty and increasing customer retention. 

Improved collaboration and communication

Last but not least, developers of different platforms have the chance to access the same tools thanks to the shared codes and services of cross-platform software features. This is to ensure every team member is on the same page and working towards the same goal. Furthermore, cross-platform software development can make it easier to provide feedback and testing across different platforms, which can improve communication and collaboration among developers.

Applications and Use Cases of Cross-Platform Software Development

When making your decision about the most suitable development method, take into account features, time requirements, system integration, scalability, and cost. Cross-platform software development proves to be an excellent choice for numerous use cases across various industries, including:


Cross-platform development is a popular choice for startups looking to reach a broader customer base quickly. Its cost-effectiveness and time efficiency align well with startups' resource constraints.

Long-Term Projects

For projects with extended development periods, cross-platform software development offers a stable and cost-effective solution.

Mobile App Development

In today's diverse smartphone industry, where various operating systems exist, cross-platform development meets the growing demand for applications that function across different platforms.


Cross-platform software development has brought about a revolution in application creation and deployment, providing businesses with cost-effectiveness, expanded market reach, and consistent user experiences. Leveraging the power of cross-platform software enables businesses to accelerate development cycles and streamline updates, making it an appealing choice for startups, long-term projects, and mobile app development. This approach ushers in an era of efficiency and versatility in the software industry. Embracing the potential of cross-platform development undoubtedly paves the way for innovation and business growth in the ever-evolving technology landscape.

At Bac Ha Software, we are proud to be one of the top software companies that offers flexible and creative cross-platform software development for businesses in different industries. With a team of experienced experts, we can offer you the optimum software solutions corresponding to your objectives. Contact us today for more insights about your upcoming project’s development methods.