Cloud-Based Software Development: Advantages and Best Practices

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July 12, 2023

Cloud-based software development has rapidly evolved from a distant technology to an indispensable aspect of modern business. Nowadays, an increasing number of companies recognize the value and are eager to invest in cloud software development. The Data Attack Surface Report predicts that by 2025, half of the world's data will be stored in the cloud. This raises the question: what makes cloud-based software development a worthwhile investment, and what are the best practices to follow? In this blog post, we will look at the benefits of cloud-based software development and provide insights into best practices.

What Is Cloud-Based Software Development?

Cloud-based software is software that is hosted and run on remote servers, accessed via the internet, and managed by a cloud service provider. Users can access and use software through a web browser or a thin client application rather than installing and running it on individual computers or local servers.

Cloud-based software relies on the cloud service provider to handle the infrastructure, such as servers, storage, networking, and databases. This means users can access the software and their data from any device with an internet connection, giving them flexibility and mobility.

Cloud-based software is built on the principles of cloud computing, where computing resources like processing power, storage, and software are provided as a service over the internet. The software is usually deployed on virtual servers in data centers, which allows for scalability, high availability, and reliability.

What Kinds of Cloud-Based Software Development Exist?​

There are different types of cloud-based software deployment models:

Software as a Service (SaaS)

In this model, users access complete software applications that are hosted and provided by the cloud service provider. Users typically pay a subscription fee to use the software, and the provider handles maintenance, updates, and infrastructure management.

Platform as a Service (PaaS)

PaaS provides a platform for developers to build, deploy, and manage their applications. The cloud service provider offers a development environment, tools, and infrastructure, allowing developers to focus on application development without worrying about infrastructure management.

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

With IaaS, users have access to virtualized computing resources, such as virtual machines, storage, and networks. Users have more control over the underlying infrastructure and can deploy and manage their own software and applications on the provided infrastructure.

The Current State Of Cloud-Based Software Development

In recent years, cloud-based software development has experienced a remarkable surge in popularity among businesses of all sizes. The adoption of cloud-based solutions for software development needs has been on the rise, and this trend has only accelerated since the onset of the Covid-19 crisis.

As the pandemic unfolded, organizations were compelled to rapidly adapt to new work environments. Remote work became the norm for many, and this shift in the workplace landscape further fueled the demand for cloud-based solutions. In response to the pandemic, lockdowns, and social distancing measures, remote work became a necessity for many businesses. Today, approximately 34% of employees express a preference for remote work and may even consider leaving their current job if compelled to return to the traditional office setting.

The market for cloud development has seen significant growth, and the numbers speak for themselves. Cisco's annual Internet Report estimates that by 2021, a staggering 94% of workloads and compute instances will be processed by cloud data centers, with only a mere 6% remaining in traditional data centers. This remarkable shift towards cloud data centers underscores the increasingly essential role of cloud-based software development in modern business operations.

Why Cloud-Based Software Development Is Worth the Investment?

Investing in cloud-based software development is a wise decision for businesses because it offers a wide range of benefits. Let's take a closer look at some of these advantages:


One major benefit is the scalability of cloud-based software. This means that the software can handle varying workloads and user traffic without being limited by traditional infrastructure. It's easy to adjust resources based on demand, ensuring optimal performance.


Another advantage is cost-effectiveness. Instead of making significant upfront investments in hardware and infrastructure, businesses can pay for the resources they use on a subscription or pay-as-you-go basis. This payment model reduces capital expenses, making it particularly advantageous for startups and small companies with limited budgets.

Accessibility and Mobility

Cloud-based software development also offers flexibility and accessibility. Users can access applications and data from anywhere using different devices and an internet connection. This promotes remote work and collaboration among teams, resulting in enhanced productivity and adaptability.

Reliability and Security

Reliability and performance are crucial considerations in cloud-based software development. Cloud service providers have robust infrastructure and take care of tasks such as data protection, system updates, and backups. Businesses can rely on their expertise to ensure reliable software performance and improved security.

Integration and Ecosystems

Integration capabilities are another valuable aspect of cloud-based software development. Cloud solutions seamlessly connect with other systems and services, streamlining operations and improving workflow efficiency by integrating various software applications and tools.

Continuous Innovation and Updates

Lastly, cloud-based software development offers continuous innovation and updates. Service providers regularly release new features and advancements, enabling businesses to stay up-to-date with the latest technologies without having to invest heavily in in-house development.

Cloud-Based Software Development Best Practice​


When developing software in the cloud, it's crucial to implement robust security measures. This includes encrypting data, securing access controls, and following best practices for authentication and authorization. Regular security audits and monitoring should be performed to identify and mitigate any vulnerabilities.


Leveraging automation tools and services helps streamline the software development lifecycle. Continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD) pipelines, automated testing frameworks, and infrastructure-as-code (IaC) techniques enable faster and more reliable software releases. Automating repetitive tasks reduces manual effort and increases efficiency.

Performance optimization

Cloud-based development allows developers to leverage auto-scaling features and optimize performance. Applications should be designed to make efficient use of cloud resources and be scalable to handle varying workloads. Performance testing and monitoring should be performed to identify bottlenecks and optimize application responsiveness.

Backup and disaster recovery

Cloud platforms often provide built-in backup and disaster recovery capabilities. It is essential to implement regular backups and test the recovery process to ensure data integrity and minimize downtime in the event of an unforeseen event. This includes having off-site backups and implementing appropriate replication and failover mechanisms.

Monitoring and logging

Implement robust monitoring and logging practices to gain insights into the performance and health of the application. Utilize cloud-native monitoring services or third-party tools to track metrics, detect anomalies, and troubleshoot issues. Log aggregation and analysis help in identifying errors, debugging, and improving system performance.

Vendor lock-in considerations

When choosing a cloud provider, consider the potential for vendor lock-in. Design your architecture to be portable and avoid heavy dependencies on specific cloud provider services. Embrace standard APIs and frameworks to ensure portability and flexibility to switch providers if needed.


Cloud-based software development offers numerous advantages and requires adherence to best practices to ensure successful development and deployment. By leveraging its benefits and portability practices, development teams can harness the full potential of cloud computing for their software projects.

BHSoft, a leading software development company in Vietnam, specializes in providing top-notch IT services across various industries. We excel at offering comprehensive cloud-based software development solutions. By harnessing the capabilities of renowned cloud platforms such as AWS, GCP, and Azure, we can assist you in maximizing the potential of these technologies and ensuring a seamless transition to the cloud.

Feel free to reach out to us to discover more about how our expertise can benefit your business.