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Top Software Development Trends In 2024

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December 29, 2023

The software development industry is changing fast, thanks to new technologies and changing needs in business. It's more than just coding; software development is now crucial to shaping business plans and advancing technology. For tech leaders, business owners, and developers, staying on top of these changing trends is essential for success. This article provides a comprehensive look at the IT industry in 2023 and highlights the top eight software development trends that are shaping the industry in 2024.

Top software development trends

2023 IT Industry Review

In 2023, businesses navigated a challenging landscape marked by high inflation and financial constraints. Amidst a shaky global economy and decelerating revenue growth, technology companies faced significant turmoil, leading to an accelerated pace of layoffs. Major tech giants, including Amazon, Cisco, Meta, Microsoft, Google, IBM, SAP, and Salesforce, along with several smaller firms, found themselves in the tough position of having to reduce their workforce substantially.

The challenge in the technology sector stems from the necessity of adapting to a constantly evolving tech landscape. Staying updated with the latest trends in software development is crucial for any business aiming to not only survive but also thrive and grow robustly.

Top Software Development Trends for 2024

Over the years, software trends have continuously evolved, and this year is no exception with several key movements taking the spotlight.

Progressive web apps continue to be a favored choice over traditional native app development, thanks to their efficiency and user-friendliness. Meanwhile, low-code platforms have transformed from a convenience to a necessity within the industry, greatly reducing development time.

Furthermore, cutting-edge trends like Artificial Intelligence (AI), Augmented Reality (AR), and the Internet of Things (IoT) are reaching peak popularity.

Now, let's delve into each of these software development trends in more detail.

1. Low-Code Software Development Trends

Creating software applications traditionally takes a lot of time and effort, but what if there was a simpler method with minimal coding required? This is where low-code application development comes in as a game-changer.

According to Gartner's research, businesses of all sizes are expected to increasingly adopt low-code development. They predict that in the next ten years, more than half of all companies will use low-code methods.

The rise of low-code and no-code platforms is arguably the most revolutionary trend in software development. These platforms enable individuals without deep programming knowledge to create applications, thereby democratizing technology and fostering innovation across all sectors. They offer drag-and-drop interfaces, pre-built templates, and intuitive workflow design, making software development more accessible and reducing the time and cost associated with traditional development.

2. The IoT Development Trend

One of the most interesting software development trends in 2024 is the Internet of Things (IoT). IoT will keep growing, connecting more and more devices every day. These devices include things like smart home gadgets and systems that watch over factories. They help connect the real world to the digital world, giving us a clear view of what we do every day.

This network of smart devices is changing our cities, homes, and workplaces for the better. In software development, the Internet of Things (IoT) lets us create apps that can talk to many devices, gather information, and act fast. This helps make things better for users and improves important stuff like saving energy, watching over health, and managing how goods move around. Also, the combination of AI and IoT, called AIoT, is really exciting and could change the world of technology in big ways.

3. Progressive Web Apps (PWA) Development Trend

A Progressive Web App (PWA) is a type of application developed using standard web technologies, including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, designed to work on any device with a web browser. PWAs offer an app-like experience, can operate offline, and are capable of utilizing features similar to native apps on mobile devices.

This technology is now gaining significant acceptance and adoption. With a 170% increase in the use of PWAs and a 38% rise in service worker utilization, it's clear that the trend is upward. As mobile usage grows, PWAs provide website owners with an excellent opportunity to improve user experience by providing app-like features while also lowering development costs.

4. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

In 2024, AI and ML will be more than just popular terms in the world of software development; they will be key parts of it. Tools powered by AI are changing how we make software. They help automate writing code, testing it, and fixing bugs. This makes the whole process faster and cuts down on mistakes.

ML is also becoming a big part of software. It's used to make apps smarter, like helping them predict what will happen next, tailor experiences to each user, and make better decisions.

Experts predict that AI in the software industry will grow a lot. By 2024, it's expected to be worth over half a trillion dollars. AI is also set to create a huge amount of value, around $2.9 trillion, according to a report.

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5. Cloud-Native Technologies Trend

In 2024, the way we make and use software will really be changed by cloud-native technologies. These technologies are made for working well in the cloud. This means that when you build and run software, you can make the most of what the cloud offers, like being able to change things quickly and handle lots of data.

Here's why they're so impactful:

- Aligns with Modern Methods: Cloud-native is compatible with current practices like DevOps, enabling quicker software updates and testing.

- Scalability and Flexibility: These technologies allow applications to easily scale and adapt to changing demands without extensive infrastructure changes.

- Variety of Tools: Cloud-native provides a wide range of modern tools, offering developers more options and fostering innovation.

- Resource Efficiency: The use of containers in cloud-native tech ensures efficient use of resources and easier management across different cloud settings.

- Enhanced Collaboration: Facilitates better teamwork by allowing shared access to projects in the cloud, speeding up development and decision-making.

6. Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR)

AR and VR will be used in many areas like education, healthcare, and shopping, not just for games. AR is really changing how people shop. It lets customers see how products would look in their own homes before they buy them. This makes shopping more fun and helps people feel sure about what they're buying, which is good for sales.

Businesses are using AR for cool things like virtual showrooms where you can see products in 3D and tools that let you try things on virtually. These features make shopping more interactive. Also, AR has become easier and cheaper to use, so even smaller businesses can start using it. This shows how much AR is changing the way we shop and interact with technology.

7. React Native's Dominance in Hybrid Development

React Native has become a leading force in the hybrid development market, thanks to its exceptional capability to produce high-quality, cross-platform applications from a single codebase. This approach has transformed the app development landscape, making the process more efficient for a multitude of developers and businesses.

As a preferred choice for hybrid app development, React Native stands out as an invaluable tool for businesses aiming to broaden their impact in the growing global market. Its significant influence and popularity in the tech world continue to grow, underscoring its importance in modern app development.

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8. Outsourcing in Software Development Keeps Growing

Outsourcing for software development is becoming more popular. Many companies find it hard to find good IT experts who can make quality custom software without costing too much. By outsourcing, they can get help from a large group of skilled people at a better price. Outsourcing is now the biggest part of the IT services market when it comes to making money.

Statista reported that in 2021, the money made from IT outsourcing was $361 billion. They expect it to increase to $430.50 billion in 2023, and by 2027, it might reach $587.3 billion. This means it's growing faster each year.

The reasons outsourcing is growing include being able to develop software quicker and more flexibly, saving money, and letting a company's own team focus on other important work. These benefits are why more and more businesses are choosing to outsource their software development.

Summing It Up

Software development is a rapidly evolving field. This article provides insights and predictions to help you stay ahead of emerging technologies and ensure your software keeps pace with these advancements. 

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Boasting a 65% customer retention rate and over 300 successful projects worldwide, our dedicated development team is proficient in cutting-edge technologies like Machine Learning, IoT, AI, React Native app development, and many more. We're equipped to tackle any challenge you face. Contact us today to leverage the top software development trends of 2024 and drive your growth.