Python Flet: The Fastest Way To Build Flutter Apps In Python

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Sep 08, 2023

Did you know you can create Flutter apps using Python, even without front-end experience? This incredible concept has become a reality with Python Flet. So, what exactly is Flet, and how can it empower developers to build Python-based apps? Join us on this blog to explore this exciting new realm!

Python Flet definition

A Brief Introduction to Python Flet

Let's start with the basics. Python Flet, or simply Flet, is a Python library. Flet enables developers to build real-time web, mobile, and desktop apps using familiar Python syntax and OOPs. It is built on top of the Flask web framework and converts the logic in Python to Dart code.

The exciting part is that no front-end experience is required, and even though the mobile version is still in development, we can rely on the Progressive Web App.

Flet's controls, based on Google's Flutter, make it easy for developers to create user interfaces for their apps. Flet simplifies Flutter by turning small widgets into ready-to-use controls using a straightforward approach. This ensures your app looks professional and can be easily used on different platforms without extra work.

How Good Is Python Flet

At its core, Flet simplifies the creation of real-time web applications by providing an abstraction layer over web sockets. It offers a straightforward and intuitive API that developers can utilize to construct real-time applications.

Flet doesn't stop there—it includes built-in components that allow programmers to rapidly construct functional applications. Furthermore, developers can design event-driven applications that seamlessly update in real-time as server data changes.

Moreover, Python Flet empowers these developers to swiftly and effortlessly create professional multi-user applications for any platform, eliminating the need to acquire a new programming language or hire a specialized developer.

Python Flet Flutter

Key Feautures Of Python Flet

Flet offers many unique features that can blow your mind:

Powered by Flutter

Flet UI is made using Flutter, making your app look professional and compatible with various platforms. Flet simplifies Flutter by turning smaller "widgets" into easy-to-use "controls" using a straightforward programming method.

Monolithic approach

Flet has a monolithic app approach, which means there's no separate front-end needed. This is great for all kinds of apps because it lets developers build and launch their apps quickly. Unlike some other frameworks that require a separate front-end, Flet's way of doing things makes development simpler and saves time and resources.

Benefiting from PIP libraries

Using Python Flet comes with another advantage: developers can make use of many libraries from PIP instead of PUB (Dart). Python has a bigger community and more support than Dart, which means developers can utilize this larger ecosystem to save on development costs. With PIP libraries, developers can swiftly create and launch applications without having to create custom code for every feature.

Simple architecture

Say goodbye to complex architecture involving a JavaScript frontend, REST API backend, databases, caches, and more. With Flet, you can simply focus on crafting a monolithic, stateful Python app and effortlessly attain a multi-user, real-time Single-Page Application (SPA).

Support many languages

Python Flet welcomes all team members to build Flet apps using their preferred programming language, as it supports Python already and will soon extend its support to Golang, C#, and other languages.

Reach any device effortlessly

You can deploy your Flet app as a web application to view it in a browser. Additionally, package it as a standalone desktop application compatible with Windows, macOS, and Linux. For mobile devices, install it as a Progressive Web App (PWA) or access it via the Flet app on iOS and Android.

What is Flet

Python Flet Use Cases And Applications

Python Flet provides practical apps ranging from quickly creating website prototypes to developing compact desktop apps.

Swift Prototyping

Flet empowers the rapid development of business prototypes, a task that would typically demand more time with conventional frameworks. These prototypes are not just for demonstration; they are fully functional. Quick prototypes prove invaluable when clients set tight deadlines for the development team.

UI for Machine Learning (ML) Frameworks

In the realm of Machine Learning Applications, there's often a need to craft a user interface for the application, typically involving the creation of HTML files, CSS, and JavaScript. Flet simplifies this process by enabling you to accomplish it all in Python, eliminating the need to learn or code in front-end languages.

Small-Scale Mobile and Desktop Applications

Creating mobile and desktop applications usually entails mastery of languages like Kotlin, Java, C#, and others. Flet essentially serves as a Python-based counterpart to the Flutter framework. With Flet, constructing compact mobile and desktop apps becomes remarkably straightforward, without the necessity to delve into the aforementioned languages. Flet allows you to build applications entirely in Python, free from external dependencies, and it's all done promptly.

How To Install Flet In Python

To install Flet within PyCharm's package installer (if you're using PyCharm), follow these steps:

1. Navigate to File -> Setting -> Project -> Python Interpreter

2. Select your preferred Python environment.

3. Click the + icon, then search for flet.

By doing this, you gain easy control over the Python installation process.

It's a good practice to remove any unnecessary Python environments that you don't intend to use, as it simplifies your setup.

When running your script, check the Python interpreter configuration by following these steps:

1. In PyCharm, look at the top right corner, where you'll find a down arrow.

2. In the dropdown, locate Edit Configurations...

3. Find the configuration associated with your script.

4. Under Python Interpreter, attempt to switch to a different interpreter that may already have flet installed.

Additionally, you can ensure you have the latest version of Flet by using the command pip install -U flet

The Takeaway

In summary, Python Flet is an all-encompassing framework that empowers developers to craft impressive user interfaces without the need to master front-end technologies. While relatively new in the IT landscape, Flet has a well-defined roadmap, with plans to introduce a variety of ready-to-use controls, such as Video Embeddings, NavigationDrawer, WebView, AutoComplete, and many others in the near future.

BHSoft is dedicated to crafting advanced software solutions that cater to businesses globally. Beyond Python, we harness various other technologies that cater to the diverse demands of numerous industries. If you require a custom software product tailored to your business needs, don't hesitate to reach out to us. We're here to transform your ideas into reality.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: What's the primary use of the Flet framework?

A1: Flet is a versatile framework designed for integrating server-driven UI (SDUI) experiences into existing Flutter applications or developing standalone web, mobile, and desktop applications with Flutter UI. It facilitates seamless incorporation of SDUI capabilities, empowering developers to enhance user experiences and create cross-platform applications effortlessly.

Q2: Can Flutter work with Python?

A2: Flutter is primarily a framework for building mobile apps and websites and uses Dart as its primary programming language. Although Flutter itself doesn't directly utilize Python, it's possible to establish connections or use specialized tools that enable communication between a Flutter app and Python. This allows developers to leverage the strengths of both languages to create more robust and versatile applications.