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Optimizing Large BIM Models with 3DTiles and glTF Technology

10 minutes read
Jun 09, 2023

3DTiles and glTF standards have quickly gained recognition as leading solutions in the field of 3D geospatial visualization and model representation. Initially developed for the gaming and computer graphics industries, their versatile capabilities have naturally extended into the architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) sector.

By harnessing the power of 3DTiles and glTF, BIM professionals can enhance their workflows and achieve seamless collaboration, efficient data exchange, and immersive visualization experiences, even with the most intricate and data-intensive models. This transformative technology empowers stakeholders to explore designs in greater detail, make informed decisions, and streamline project coordination.

Welcome to our whitepaper, where we delve into the capabilities of 3D Tiles and glTF technology in optimizing large BIM models. Join us as we explore the potential of these technologies to enhance project outcomes. Prepare to discover the possibilities that lie ahead.

technical whitepaper about optimizing large BIM models with 3dtitles and glTF technology